明州华人科学技术协会(Minnesota Chinese Association for Science and Technology,MCAST),简称明州科协,是一个在明州注册的非赢利组织。明州科协的宗旨如下:
· 促进在明州科学、技术、及其相关领域工作的广大华人之间的互相合作与交流。
· 提升明州科学、技术、及其相关领域华人在职业发展方面的竞争力。
· 促进明州科学与技术发展的领先地位,提升明州的经济发展竞争力,为明州的经济发展创造更多的机会。
· 与会员分享关于科学技术方面的信息,以及提供会员之间相互合作的机会。
· 为会员组织与科学、技术、及其相关领域有关的专题讲座,报告,职业短训班等,并提供简讯报道和出版材料。
· 为会员提供职业交流网络,科技、商贸、与文化等领域的活动,以及相关行业互相访问的机会。
· 帮助会员在职业生涯发展过程中达到一个更高水平的专业技能。
Minnesota Chinese Association for Science and Technology (MCAST) is registered in the state of Minnesota as a non-profit organization.
A recent estimate shows that there are more than ten thousands ethnic Chinese working in science, technology, and related areas in Minnesota. There are also several thousands Chinese students and scholars enrolled in Minnesota universities and colleges. The majority of these individuals have graduate level education, with a significant portion possessing doctoral degree. Although this is a highly skilled work force, they are under-represented in the leadership roles. It is our belief that with coaching and mentoring programs, many Chinese professionals can overcome language and cultural barriers to further their careers and contribute at a higher level to their profession in Minnesota.
As of 2021, Minnesota is the 18th largest state economy in the US. There were 24 Fortune 1000 companies headquartered in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Eighteen of these companies made Fortune’s 2021 500 list, including three on Fortune’s Global 500 list. Minnesota also has a very diverse industry base with concentration on information technology, engineering, health care, medical device, and manufacturing.
It is the vision of MCAST to create a platform for enabling collaboration and connection for professionals in science, technology, and related areas, and to create economic and business opportunities for Minnesota.
Our mission is:
- Promote collaboration and connection for professionals in science, technology, and related areas in Minnesota.
- Advance career development and growth for professionals in science, technology, and related areas.
- Help make Minnesota a leading science and technology state, enhance Minnesota’s economic competitiveness, and create economic and business opportunities for Minnesota.
MCAST is a membership organization and provides members as much services as needed. Our membership includes Regular Members, Student Members, Lifetime Members, Honorary members, and Corporate Members. Any professional or organization who upholds the Bylaws can submits an application, and pay the membership fees to become a member.
MCAST achieves its mission through, but not limited to, the following activities. All activities will be compliant with local, state and federal regulations.
- Share information for science and technology, and opportunities for professional collaboration among MCAST members.
- Organize meetings and produce newsletters/publications devoted to science, technology, and related areas.
- Provide networking events, professional exchange activities and programs, and educational opportunities.
- Assist members in professional development and attaining a higher level of skill and expertise in their respective fields of science, technology, and related areas.
- Conduct fund raising activities.
Professionals and students in science, technology, and related areas, please join us to grow together with MCAST, to better develop and enrich your own careers, and to seize and create the enormous economic and business opportunities in Minnesota.